EV Connect
BTC0006 Village of Marcellus
🔌 2 Chargers
⚡ 7.2 kW Max Power
🕓 Always open
BTC0006 Village of Marcellus
🔌 2 Chargers
⚡ 7.2 kW Max Power
🕓 Always open
6 Slocombe Ave, Marcellus, NY 13108, USA
0.3 USD per kWh
BTC0006 Village of Marcellus
J1772 7.2 kW ⚡️⚡️
BTC0006 Village of Marcellus
J1772 7.2 kW ⚡️⚡️
BTC0006 Village of Marcellus
J1772 7.2 kW ⚡️⚡️
BTC0006 Village of Marcellus
J1772 7.2 kW ⚡️⚡️